”Massimo Severo Giannini”

Sulla legislazione elettorale della Regione Lazio alla luce delle modifiche recate dalla l.r. n. 10/2017

Antonio Ferrara (2018 Regioni Bologna)
This essay focuses on the changes made by the Lazio Region to the contextual election system of the head of the regional government and the legislative assembly. The new single turn electoral system aims to ensure a stable government majority to the list or to the coalition of winning lists, thanks to the provision of a majority prize for the achievement of which it is not necessary to reach a minimum threshold of votes. However, this is a premium which, to avoid excessively distorting effects on representation, cannot in any case exceed 20% of the seats and therefore does not ensure the effective achievement of the majority. The paper then evaluates if this new system of election can be considered in harmony with the form of government provided for by the regional statute and consistent with the fundamental principle of electoral legislation, established by the law of the Italian republic, according to which the electoral system must facilitate the formation of stable majorities in the regional legislative assembly